There has never been a kid that has boggled my mind more. Very recently, I began watching a 4 1/2 year old girl whose mother is a writer and needs some time to herself for her work. I could go into detail why I think this kid is crazy (intolerably so, and I've been interning at an elementary school for the past 9 months), but I will spare you.
Needless to say, I don't think I've ever so blatantly been called a liar.
While she was eating applesauce, we were talking about her and her little sister (1 year old). Her mother asks me if I have any siblings. I say I have an older sister. Her mom asks about the age difference. I say, "5 years. I also have a brother who's two years younger than I am."
Little Girl: "You don't have a brother."
G: "? ...Yes, I do."
LG: "No, you don't!"
G: "I do have a brother."
LG: "No, you don't."
Her mom: "That's silly. Why would she say she has a brother if she doesn't?"
G: "How do you know?"
LG: "Because you don't. You're LYING! You're a liar. You don't have a brother!"
G: "I do. Actually, his birthday was two days ago."
Her mom: "Oh wow, isn't that nice, [LG]?"
LG: "No, she's lying, she doesn't have a brother."
G: "But I do!"
G: "You know, I think have a picture of him on my phone. Do you want to see?"
LG: "Really? Okay."
(I get up to get my phone.)
LG: "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" (screaming, on the verge of throwing a fit)
G: "I'm just getting my phone so I can show you a picture of my brother."
LG: "Oh okay."
She was surprisingly calm when I showed her a picture of my brother. And she believed me, too. I'm still trying to figure out what the fuss was about.
This girl is all kinds of crazy.